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Fake News and Disinformation: Putin's Cyberwarfare Tactics Revealed
6 minutes
Sara Buccino | Consultant at The Lisbon Council asbl

In the digital age, fake news and disinformation have become serious issues, with many governments and individuals struggling to keep up with the rapid spread of false content. The recent leak of the Vulkan Files, a collection of documents revealing Putin's cyberwarfare tactics, sheds light on the use of digital tools to influence both foreign and domestic politics. In this article, we will explore the implications of Putin's global and domestic cyberwarfare tactics and their potential consequences.

What are the Vulkan Files?

The Vulkan Files are a collection of documents leaked from the Russian government, revealing Putin's cyberwarfare tactics. They contain a wealth of information, from detailed descriptions of disinformation campaigns to instructions on how to use social media to manipulate public opinion. 

The leaked data includes documents, emails, and other information related to Russia's cyberwarfare operations, both at home and abroad. According to The Guardian, the documents reveal that President Vladimir Putin's government has been actively engaged in a global campaign of cyber espionage, propaganda, and disinformation.

The leak is significant because it provides a rare glimpse into the secretive world of cyberwarfare and shows how Putin's government is using digital tools to influence both foreign and domestic politics. The Vulkan Files constitute a major embarrassment for Putin’s government, which has long denied its involvement in cyber-attacks and other forms of interference in foreign affairs. The leak also highlights the growing threat posed by state-sponsored cyber espionage and propaganda campaigns, which have the potential to undermine the stability of democracies around the world.

Putin’s Global Cyberwarfare Tactics

The Vulkan Files reveal a number of tactics that Putin's cyberwarfare teams have been using to spread disinformation and interfere with other countries' political processes. One of the most effective methods has been the use of social media bots and trolls to amplify false narratives and attack political opponents.

Already during the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Russian bots and trolls had flooded social media platforms with fake news stories and divisive content, in an effort to sway public opinion and create chaos. The use of bots and trolls continues to be a key component of Putin's cyberwarfare tactics. The Vulkan Files show that the Russian government has invested heavily in creating networks of fake social media accounts that can be used to amplify propaganda and attack political opponents. The documents suggest in fact that Russia has been using social media networks like Facebook and Twitter to spread propaganda and disinformation, aiming to influence public opinion and sow discord in Western democracies.

Another popular tactic employed by the Russian government for malicious purposes is the use of targeted propaganda campaigns to influence specific groups of people. For instance, Putin's government has been known to create fake news stories that are tailored to appeal to certain demographics, such as military veterans or conservative voters.

Putin’s Domestic Cyberwarfare Tactics

In addition to targeting foreign governments and societies, Putin's cyberwarfare tactics are also used domestically in Russia to control the media and suppress dissent. The Vulkan Files reveal that the government has a sophisticated system for monitoring and censoring online content and has even used disinformation campaigns to manipulate public opinion and silence opposition.

The Vulkan Files also show that Putin's government has been involved in the hacking and leaking of sensitive information from political opponents and other organizations. This seems to be part of a broader strategy developed by the Russian government to surveil and repress political dissidents, journalists, and other critics of the regime. The documents further suggest that the FSB (Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation) has been monitoring the activities of these individuals online and in person and has used a range of tactics to silence them, including harassment, intimidation, and imprisonment. By using these tactics, the government aims to discredit and silence its critics, both at home and abroad, as political opposition constitutes a major source of threat to Putin’s authoritarian regime.

The Effect of Fake News and Disinformation

The spread of fake news and disinformation has serious implications for individuals and societies alike. When people are exposed to false information, it can lead to confusion and distrust, which can then lead to a breakdown in communication and relationships between individuals, groups, and governmental institutions. False information can also lead to violence, as people may act on the false beliefs they have been exposed to. 

The implications of the Vulkan Files are particularly alarming because they reveal that Putin's government has been using digital tools to interfere in both foreign and domestic politics. By using these tactics, the government is able to control the narrative and manipulate public opinion in its favor. This can have serious consequences for both Russian and foreign societies, as it undermines the ability of people to make informed decisions based on accurate information.

The effect of Putin's cyberwarfare tactics can be especially damaging for us because they are designed to manipulate political processes and undermine democratic institutions in Western countries. Russian disinformation campaigns can in fact be used to create confusion and sow discord among the public, making it difficult for people to distinguish truths from lies. This can dangerously lead to a lack of public trust in a country’s political institutions and in the democratic process itself.

Therefore, if left unchecked, disinformation campaigns can have long-lasting consequences, eroding trust in democratic institutions and creating an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty. This may cause a breakdown in social cohesion and a loss of faith in the political system, as people feel disillusioned and powerless.


In conclusion, the Vulkan Files provide a sobering glimpse into the world of cyberwarfare and the dangers of fake news and disinformation. Putin's tactics are sophisticated and far-reaching and have the potential to cause serious harm to both foreign governments and the Russian people.

Overall, the Vulkan Files leak represents a major development in the ongoing struggle between Russia and the West over cyberwarfare and disinformation. The documents reveal a comprehensive and sophisticated cyberwarfare operation on the part of the Russian government, which has been targeting foreign governments and organizations, as well as engaging in surveillance and repression at home. It remains to be seen what the fallout from this massive data leak will be, but it is clear that the issue of state-sponsored cyber espionage and propaganda will continue to be a major concern for governments and citizens around the world.

To combat this threat, it is important that individuals and governments work together to promote transparency, education, and critical thinking. By staying informed and vigilant, the society as a whole can help to ensure that the spread of fake news and disinformation does not undermine democracy and liberal values.