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This section contains infographics created within the FERMI project. Each infographic can be downloaded in PDF or other high quality format.

This e-brochure offers an overview of the data used to create this key result of the FERMI project, along with considerations regarding their added value to the work of LEAs and privacy concerns.

Sentiment Analysis Module

This e-brochure offers an overview of the data used to create this key result of the FERMI project, along with considerations regarding their added value to the work of LEAs and privacy concerns.

This e-brochure presents the training opportunities offered by the FERMI project and their importance for LEAs.

Training Methodology, Tools & Curricula

This e-brochure offers an overview of the data used to create this key result of the FERMI project, along with considerations regarding their added value to the work of LEAs and privacy concerns.

This e-brochure explains the use of this tool, a key result of the FERMI project, the way it gathers data and information and how it guarantees privacy and security.

Swarm Learning Technology

This e-brochure offers an overview of the data used to create this key result of the FERMI project, along with considerations regarding their added value to the work of LEAs and privacy concerns.

This e-brochure offers an overview of the data used to create this key result of the FERMI project, along with considerations regarding their added value to the work of LEAs and privacy concerns.

Dynamic Flows Modeller

This e-brochure offers an overview of the data used to create this key result of the FERMI project, along with considerations regarding their added value to the work of LEAs and privacy concerns.

This e-brochure explains the use of this tool, a key result of the FERMI project, the way it gathers data and information and how it guarantees privacy and security.

Community Resilience & Risk Management Modeller

This e-brochure offers an overview of the data used to create this key result of the FERMI project, along with considerations regarding their added value to the work of LEAs and privacy concerns.

This e-brochure offers an overview of the data used to create this key result of the FERMI project, along with considerations regarding their added value to the work of LEAs and privacy concerns.

Behavioural Profiler & Socioeconomic Analyser

This e-brochure offers an overview of the data used to create this key result of the FERMI project, along with considerations regarding their added value to the work of LEAs and privacy concerns.

  Proposal for a regulation on political advertising in Europe improving transparency

Proposal for a regulation on political advertising in Europe improving transparency

The following infographic provides a comprehensive overview of the proposal for the Regulation on the Transparency and Targeting of Political Advertising. This Regulation, currently in the trilogue phase of the legislative process, was proposed by the European Commission in 2021.